Friday 14 October 2011

Assignment - Mood Board

Another element of the assignment is to create a mood board for our scene. The mood board is designed to create the emotions in which the scene will give the view. For example, if there is a fast paced scene with alot of movement and quick camera shots, the mood board would consist of images that represent speed. Such as fast cars or light zooming past. My mood board for my scene is below;

My scene will give of similar emotions to which this mood board will give off. I will be using the emetion of fear, death and of evil to represent the dark side. The variety and quantity of TIE Fighters in my scene will be almost like a swarm of bees, to make the audience feel the emotion of being scared and outnumbered. The image of hitler is to symbolise dictatorship, to show the role of Darth Vader. He makes the orders and the others follow them. The explosions and the lasers is to symbolise the TIE fighters destroying all the imperial spacecrafts as they proceed through the debris in deep space. The colours in the scene will be dark with highlights of green from the lasers being fired and the red from the various explosions.

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