Friday 9 December 2011

Assignment - Scene 7

Scene 7 shows the TIE Army and the two flank TIE Fighters flying off to chase the x-wing. This shows that the TIE Army think of the x-wing as a minor threat as they could easily have destroyed the x-wing instantly with the full force of the Army. I once again felt that a path constraint was the best way to do this as i wanted the TIE Fighters to swing away from the group. I noticed that when I told the TIE Fighter to follow the path constraint, it snapped onto the path sideways instead of front on. This is due to when I created the model originally, i made the wings of  the animation in the front viewport and so therefore 3DS Max is expecting the side to be the front. After using Auto Key I could edit the rotation of the starting position and also edit the movement throughout the animation.

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