Monday 28 November 2011

Assignment - Extra Model - X- Wing

So just a quick post about the progress of my assignment. As Ive only made the Tie Fighters for my animation sequence, I am still required to make the x-wing for my sequence. As ive only used similar techniques that ive picked up in creating my previous models, im not going to post up the creation of every component of the x-wing. So here is the body and a few steps to creating it;

This is the starting of the body, I made it from a cylinder and converted to a editable poly and moved the vertices.

This is the Back end of the body completed;

This is the side view of the body completed;

Next I created the wings for the X-Wing, Here they are;

Now I have the body and the wings, I can now make the exhausts. Here are the completed exhausts;

Now I just needed to do the turrets on the wings.

I decided that i would make the part of R2D2 that would show up in the body of the x-wing just to give it a bit of character.

After adding some metal textures to the model my X-Wing is completed and here is the final product;

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